The same God who called Jonah has a calling on your life.
If you want to prosper, you must live in the rhythm of sowing and reaping … a lifestyle of obedience, sowing seeds, and activating your faith with expectation for the harvest.
Favor is released from GOD’S HANDS when you release something He has given you from YOUR HANDS.
If you need a release of God’s favor in your life today, sow a seed. It really is just as simple as that!
As you do, release your faith with expectation for His blessings to pour into your life on a new level. He wants to stretch out His mighty hand to bring you into His land of favor today.
Perhaps you are going through a difficult time in your life right now, and you don’t see any way you can sow a financial seed into God’s Kingdom.
Yet, I’ve discovered a powerful truth over the years.
As hard as it may be, the surest way to find victory is to sow generous, sacrificial seeds.
This is something I have often done through the years. When I’ve had a big need, I’ve sown a big seed.
I’ve seen God do amazing things in response to simple acts of faith. That’s why I’m fully confident of this:
God will honor YOUR faith too!
Put His promises to the test and trust Him. He will give you a bountiful harvest from the seeds you sow into His Kingdom.
God is a God of miracles! He wants you to come to Him in faith and expectancy for the breakthrough you need today. One touch of His favor can change everything!
When you sow a seed into God’s Kingdom, it doesn’t leave your life. God takes the seed you’ve released from YOUR hand and then gives you wonderful harvests from HIS hand.
Jesus makes an incredible promise about this principle in Luke 6:38:
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Through God’s promise of seedtime and harvest, you can have a life of overflowing favor and abundance.
Today is the day for you to release the seed in your hand. Your harvest is ready and waiting for you to step out in faith.
New blessings and more favor are yours, if you will respond now and demonstrate your trust in God.
As long as you grip tightly to your seed, it will never become the harvest you need.
Don’t wait. Today is the day! Sow your seed and receive your blessing!